This spring-mass system was adapted to the GPU in GLSL from Paul Bourke's example. I'm using it to sonify the fluid in a way that allows for more structure and flexibility than directly sampling the velocity field. I'll post more about this technique in the future.
The system uses a 1024 x 4 texture map with simple one-dimensional spring connections that bind each pixel to its horizontal neighbor, forming 4 lines. I extended Paul's example to include an anchor force which pulls the particles back to a rest position (in this case concentric rings), and an impulse force that applies velocity from an outside source.
layout(location=0) out vec3 fragColorPosition; layout(location=1) out vec3 fragColorVelocity; uniform float dt; uniform float springConstant; uniform float restLength; uniform float dampingConstant; uniform float viscousDrag; uniform float anchorForce; uniform float impulseForce; uniform float mass; uniform float fluidLengthThreshold; vec2 springs[2] = vec2[2](vec2(-1.,0.), vec2(1.,0.)); const int POSITION_OLD = 0; const int VELOCITY_OLD = 1; const int VELOCITY_NEW = 2; const int ANCHOR = 3; const float smallf = 0.000001; void main() { // Calculate forces vec3 pos0 = texture(sTD2DInputs[POSITION_OLD],; vec3 vel0 = texture(sTD2DInputs[VELOCITY_OLD],; vec3 vel_new = texture(sTD2DInputs[VELOCITY_NEW], pos0.xy).xyz; vec3 anchor = texture(sTD2DInputs[ANCHOR],; vec3 force = vec3(0.); force -= viscousDrag * vel0; force += vel_new * dt * dt * impulseForce; force += (anchor-pos0) * anchorForce; // spring interaction // 1d horizontal connection float cellSize = uTD2DInfos[POSITION_OLD].res.x; // 1/width for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { vec2 offset = vec2(cellSize, 0.); offset *= springs[i]; vec2 coord = + offset; if (coord.x < 0.) coord.x = 1.-cellSize; if (coord.x > 1.) coord.x = 0.+cellSize; vec3 pos1 = texture(sTD2DInputs[POSITION_OLD], coord).xyz; vec3 vel1 = texture(sTD2DInputs[VELOCITY_OLD], coord).xyz; vec3 dx = pos0 - pos1; float len = length(dx) + smallf; vec3 f = vec3(springConstant * (len - restLength)); f += dampingConstant * (vel0 - vel1) * dx/vec3(len); f *= -dx/vec3(len); force += f; } // Apply derivative vec3 dpdt = vel0; vec3 dvdt = force/vec3(mass); pos0 += dpdt * dt; vel0 += dvdt * dt; fragColorPosition = pos0; fragColorVelocity = vel0; } //main
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