30 June 2016


It's been a while since my last post. I've been recovering from the end of year show and working on doing wavelet turbulence up-resing on the GPU. Above is a video of some different presets that I'm cycling through and were used during the show.

I presented the current iteration as "Time Differential" and made an instruction manual for the Minilab that was printed and displayed next to the controller to solidify the idea that it is a video synthesizer. This was a quick and dirty 3d model I made in Houdini and rendered using wren.

An Apple Magic Trackpad 2 was used with multitouch input to add density and velocity. It wasn't exactly elegant, but it worked fairly well: I ran this really neat hack on my laptop which captures multitouch data and broadcasts them as OSC messages. A Processing sketch running along side it received the position and finger size information and sent them across an ad-hoc wifi network to my desktop, which Touch then assembled into a CHOP where 1 sample = 1 finger. That CHOP was then sent as an array to my shaders. It was surprisingly responsive and more or less reliable.

Overall it went pretty well with a good amount of interest and constructive feedback. The controller was available for the public to play with, and I've already made some changes to the knobs and layout as a result. A lot of people were interested in the sound-reactive capabilities of it which led to a lot of clapping and yelling. Plus, kids loved it, which is a good omen I guess.

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